A few weeks ago it was pointed out to me that when I talk about my blog and business, I’m transformed.
It wasn’t the first time either that someone’s thought to mention it. I’ve had similar conversations at least three times in the past year.
This particular conversation went a lot like this:
Him: “Do you realize what just happened to you when you started talking about your business?”
Me: “I know. I light up!!”
Him: “So you know it’s happening?”
Me: “Yeah, I know. I can’t help it. I love it!!”
Last year, at the height of my pain and the anxiety that went with it, my doctor suggested that my business ideas should wait a few years, “until your children are older”. (My three beautiful kids are between eleven and fifteen – so we’re not talking about babies here either!!)
I already knew at that point that my biz for me is where there’s a gorgeous spark, and that it’s a spark that can either be fanned into a flame, or extinguished.
Depending on the choice I make in moments like these.
Fortunately, it was easy for me not to take the doctor’s comment on board. She doesn’t know me well. That was my first visit in a few years (as well as helping my productivity, my morning green smoothies are keeping me very healthy!), and she somehow neglected in that brief visit to see just how much working on – and talking about! – my business means to me.
Something else that this doctor didn’t know was that I’d already put my dreams on hold for close to five years, while I worked with my hubby in his publishing business, focusing my time and energy there.
And so, after holding so tightly to my dreams for so many years, now that I’m on the path, I have no intention of giving up or holding off again on pursuing my business dreams.
It’s not always easy, you probably know that already! And yes, it can get messy. Juggling so many ‘To-Do’s’ and the expectations we place on ourselves… to have it all done yesterday!
But I won’t give up, because when I’m talking about my biz, my smile gets big and my eyes light up. I’m totally excited and energised.
I love it, I really, really do!
It’s not just my own biz that I love either! Talking business – both online and offline – with other biz owners (and dreamers!) is something I love to do.
Sharing resources and ideas with others who are pursuing their passions… it’s like a little piece of Heaven to me!
These are the things I’m passionate about.
What about you?
What is it that makes you light up?
What is it that you dream of doing?
Is there something that you’re so passionate about, that you long to share – with your friends, your family, your community…?
Maybe yours is a big dream, huge… Do you long to share it in a bigger way… online? …with the world?
What is it that when you talk about it, and dream about it, makes your eyes light up, your smile grow bigger, and your heart fill with possibility?
Are you doing it yet?
If you’re not… why not?
Maybe you’re afraid? Or maybe you feel like you just don’t have the time… (you should know that’s a feeling that will probably never go away!!)
Maybe you wonder, as I have at times, if it’s not right to be dreaming so big when there’s washing to be done and dishes in the sink.
Maybe you wonder if right now, at this time in your life, you should just be working on being ‘Mum’, wife and domestic goddess (or even just a ‘good enough’ housewife!!)
I believe that you’ll know when the time is right to pursue your dreams.
When I wonder if this is the path I should be pursuing right now, I think of those people who’ve told me that my eyes light up when I speak about my blog, books and business.
I remember the day my 10 year old son said to me: “You’re really good at this Mum. You’re so good at the books, and what you do.”
I think of the day recently when I told my sister-in-law that I was going to put all my books on ebay because I don’t have time now to maintain my bookshop. And she told me how sad that was because she knows that the books are the thing I love and really enjoy doing.
I even imagine (briefly!) what my life, my days would be like if I spent more time doing ironing and dishes and put my dreams on hold “until the kids were a bit older”. I imagine how depressed I’d be.
And I think of all the friends I’ve made and people I’ve met on this journey, both in real life and online, who have dreams and long to share them.
I think of all the books, the ideas, the resources that are available to inspire, encourage and provide us with the information we need to move forward in our journeys. These are the things I want to share with you to help you be successful in living your dreams.
Because I believe that whatever it is that makes your eyes light up, and your heart fill with possibility… you should pursue it!
Yes, there may be times when you need to put your dream on hold. But those are times when you need to hold on to your dream and let it grow, believing that your time will come… and soon.
And then, there’s the time when it’s right to pursue your dream with your whole heart.
Trust yourself. Trust those around you. Trust that you’ll know when it’s your time.
Hearing about your dreams… that makes me smile too! I’d love to read your comments about what it is that you’re passionate about. And where you are on the path to pursuing your own dreams.
Image credit: flickr user justCRONO
Gosh what a great blog post this is!! And so very true – I too have been going through the issues “What do I want to Do” with my life….and everytime I come back to blogging! I love blogging, and I could talk about it forever. Its something that makes my eyes light up.
Glad you did not listen to your doctor, and glad you are following your dreams. Success comes in many different ways and in many different forms. Looking forward to following your journey xxx
Thanks so much Lisa! And thanks for being here, sharing your journey too.
It sounds like, despite the questions, you know exactly what you want to be doing – and you’re doing it… which is very awesome!!
So true what you say about success coming in many different forms. Just being on the journey already feels like ‘success’! Looking forward to following yours too…
For many many years I’ve read books about kids living on desert islands and living on farms and post apocalyptic worlds, watching films of a similar nature and dreaming about self sufficiency. Late last year we moved our family to a small rural block to start our journey towards self sufficiency. The pieces of the puzzle are only just now starting to fall into place. The Secret Island and the Willow Farm books by Enid Blyton, Z for Zachariah, Blue Lagoon, all these stories and so many more have lodged deep in my subconscious. As we’ve moved to wards a more sustainable lifestyle, to caring deeply about our footprint on this beautiful planet of ours and eating and growing organic foods, being ethical omnivores and locavores where we can these early years and early dreams are beginning to make soul deep sense, all of which I continue to feed with the blogs I follow, the books I read, the podcasts I listen to and the websites I pore over. Get me talking about any of it and I too light up, become impassioned and eloquent too. It makes my blood boil and hum all at the same time.
Only 25 years of dreams to try to process and there’s not enough hours in the day for me to make sense of it all. I’m loving life like I never have before and for the first time in my life I can say I am happy. Having had depression for as long as I can remember, this is a HUGE thing. I am happy! 😀
Jessie, thanks so much for being here and sharing all that you’re passionate about.
I love the way you describe the ‘pieces of the puzzle… starting to fall into place”. It’s one of the things I love about the journey too, being able to look back and see how so many events, experiences and circumstances have led to where we are now.
To say that you’re loving life now after so many years of depression is awesome. It definitely supports the idea that it’s important for us to pursue our passions and not deny or push them aside. Thanks for sharing your happiness and passion here Jessie!!
I started a home based cake making and decorating business in 2011 and I would love so much to do that full time. I believe I should not waste the talent I have but there are things – like a buying home of my own- to work towards that giving up my full time job is not an option right now. There are days when working full time, running a household and my part time business just overwhelm me.
I also have ulcerative colitis that flares up every now and then and just wears me out. Its been 11 years since my diagnosis and three surgeries later, I think I have done quite well. I have to work harder than other people at managing my life, health, work and business but I would not trade it for anything. Its through challenges and victories, that we become the best versions of ourselves.
I keep foccussed on the ultimate goal – to live a full life and to give as much as I can to anything I attempt. I have faith that at the right time as well, I will be able to have my own physical business space, write my own recipe book and achieve my dreams. Its all about being ready to bring those dreams to life and sometimes we have to go through the mundane to learn the skills we need to make our dreams a reality. All the very best to you on your journey!
Thanks Renee. What a journey you’re on yourself!! I think faith and determination are two such important keys to bringing our dreams to life.
I’ve just been checking out the beautiful cakes on your blog (and reading about the hours of work that went into the suitcase cake!!). I hope your right time comes before too long, and hope I’ll hear of you writing your own recipe book. What a great dream to have!! Wishing you every success to as you continue on your journey towards achieving your dreams.
Much appreciated Brigid!
What an inspiring post. Sometimes, you have to fight tooth and nail to pursue your dreams. But in the end, it’s all worth it. So never stop believing and trying.