56 Things That Make Me Smile

Over the past few years, I’ve definitely considered myself to be happy.

Not just averagely happy either, but really happy!

My life has been filled with so many things that make me smile, so many reasons to be grateful, so much to write about.

But somehow this year, or at least in the past few months, life has gotten out of balance for me.

I’ve been eating badly, getting to bed late, and feeling that too much of my time is spent on things I don’t really want to be doing.

The happiness that I treasured seems to have quietly slipped away, leaving behind a less confident, less passionate version of me.

When I listened a couple of days ago to Steve Jobs’ Stanford University speech, it was this that struck me the most:

“…for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?’ And whenever the answer’s been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something”

–  Steve Jobs

I don’t know about you, but I suspect that if I’d been asking myself Steve’s question these past few months, the answer would have been ‘No’ far too many times.

This list is as much for me as it is for you.

It’s a reminder to me of how important it is to make time for these things. Because my days are a whole lot emptier when I don’t.

It’s a reminder to both you and I that we need to fill our lives with those things that make us smile, the things that make our hearts sing, our spirits soar.

Here’s my list, in no particular order – because really that would just be hard work! – of those things that make me smile:

1.  Losing Finding myself in a bookshop for an hour, or two, or more

2.  Seeing others following their passions

3.  Sharing just the right book or idea with just the right person

4.  Knowing that I’m a Scanner, a Sparkler, a Renaissance Soul

5.  Lunch in a cafe with my hubby or a friend

6.  Fun shopping experiences with my sisters

7.  Girl-time with my daughter: a movie, a DVD, shopping or lunch

8.  Jugs or vases of fresh-cut fragrant roses

9.  Farmers’ markets

10. Blossom trees and 11. English Gardens

12. Finding beautiful things on Pinterest

13. Inspirational quotes

14. Hearing my kids say “I love you Mum” or “Thankyou”

15. Inquiring minds and continuous learning

16. Cooking delicious meals, cakes and cookies in a tidy kitchen

17. Walking barefoot in the grass

18. Green Smoothies

19. Walking in the rain

20. Believing in a future filled with possibilities

21. Knowing that where I am now is exactly where I’m meant to be

22. Relaxing with friends

23. Social media conversations

24. Time away from the computer

25. Raw chocolate

26. Being anywhere with a pen and paper in hand

27. The feeling that my cells are ‘dancing’ when I eat healthy foods and exercise!

28. The sound of birds singing early in the morning

29. Listening to music on my iPod

30. Being sugar-free!

31. Beautiful fabric (and fabric shops)

32. Waterfalls  33. Lakes and  34. Sparkling oceans

35. Dreaming of my vegie garden

36. Being awake to see the sun rise

37. Getting to bed early with a great book to read

38. Time spent with friends

39. Colour: in nature, design, anywhere!

40. Beautiful food

41. Giving: money, time, a smile, a gift

42. Playing with paintbrushes and paint

43. My favourite magazines

44. Holiday visits to stay with my parents

45. Inspiring photography

46. Real fruit popsicles

47. Live acoustic music

48. Time spent working on my business

49. Making huge leaps or even small steps on my website and blog

50. Mangoes and cucumbers, bokchoy and blueberries

51. My craft desk (when it’s not a mess!)

52. Creating scrapbook albums

53. Inspiring people and their stories

54. Being inspired by the beautiful things that others create

55. Poetry

56.  “Validation”

If today were the last day of my life… I’d want to fill it with as many of these things as I possibly could.

And in case it is… I’m going to start doing just that.

I can’t think of a better way to find that happiness I’ve been missing!


Do you have your own list of things that make you smile? What’s on yours? Do you find it easy or difficult to make time for some of those things each day? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.


Photo Credit:  viveee on Flickr

13 thoughts on “56 Things That Make Me Smile

  1. Brilliant blog Brigid. Those words by Steve Jobs have been pleasantly haunting me too the past few days. I had been thinking about writing down what my ideal day would look like, but haven’t got to it yet. This brain storm list approach is much easier… Actually I am going to go right now as I am currently on a long drive home with the family so we can all join in & make a family list!!

    1. Thanks Kerrie! That sounds like a great thing to do with the family on your drive home. I’ll look forward to hearing about what made it to your list!! I’ve tried the ‘create your ideal day’ approach too, but I agree with you that this is simpler and possibly more do-able at the moment. Good luck with your list!

  2. Hi Brigid,

    This was a lovely post. Some of the things that make me break into a dance of joy would be…

    To get an expected hug or I love you from my boys.
    To get an unexpected email from an old friend.
    Coke. (I am addicted 🙂
    Discovering a new book.
    Finding a kindred spirit online.
    Stumbling on a great blog.
    Have an a-ha moment. (How cool is that!)
    Discover a newly released fragrance I fall in love with you.
    Share a funny moment with my family.
    Dancing with my kids.
    Hubby surprises with an offer for takeaway. Heaven!
    Perfect Idea for a new blog post.
    Call from my Mum/Dad/Siblings/BFF …

    Now, I deliberately did not have a look at your post this time, to come up with my own things. Going back now, I especially loved the first three.
    Losing myself in a bookstore … gold!
    Seeing others follow their passion .. I feed on that.
    Sharing the right idea with the right person .. simply the highlight of my day.

    Thanks for sharing. Very, very beautiful. 🙂

    As for Steve Jobs, the most I relate to is his ‘crazy ones’ video. Have you seen that one?

    1. Hi Marya,
      Thanks so much for sharing your own list here. I love it!
      If I didn’t put ‘discovering a new book’ I definitely should have, because that is right up there for me – although ‘losing myself in a bookstore’ probably covers that, as that’s the perfect time for book discovering!!
      Surprise takeaway from your hubby and dancing with your kids are great inclusions on your list!
      I’m about to check out the ‘crazy ones’ video. Thanks for sharing that here, as it’s one I haven’t seen yet.

    2. A summer’s breeze, a smiling child,
      A daffodil that’s growing wild,
      A deep orange sunset in the West;
      Those little things, I love the best.

      A still dark night with fireflies,
      The laughter in my mother’s eyes,
      A multicolored rainbow’s end …
      Are little things that count, my friend.
      A fuzzy warm puppy (licking my face),
      Kisses with hugs and a loving embrace,
      Rain pouring down on a roof made of tin,
      Sitting under a shade (with a soft gentle wind);

      Those little things make life worth living.
      Being kind to a stranger, caring and giving,
      Laughing and sharing your hopes and dreams;
      There is nothing more precious than little things. Poem By Vickie Lamberlin

      1. Hi Julien,
        Thanks so much for stopping by and for sharing that beautiful poem.
        True that the little things are so precious, so worth taking the time to appreciate!

  3. It has taken me a while to get back here with the family list, but here are a few of the highlights from the mouths of babes….

    flying kites
    watching family members play sport
    going to birthday parties
    watching movies together
    having feasts
    picking flowers
    riding bikes or motorbikes
    saying nice things to each other
    having friends play
    going for a walk
    planting trees
    talking about good times
    going to new places

    …. just a snapshot of their big long list!!!

    Thanks for the blog, so glad we got to do this little family activity!!!

    1. Thanks for sharing your family list here Kerrie! That’s a great selection of activities that you can all enjoy together.
      I enjoyed one of these with my kids today, when they insisted I watch a movie with them. It’s something I don’t do often enough, but was a lot of fun. All of these are the things that our kids will remember for many years to come! That I didn’t get the dishes done… doesn’t matter. That they hopefully won’t remember!!

    1. Brenda, Thanks for stopping by The Inspired Notebook. I can see from the Vitamix sketch and Chocolate Nut Bread recipe on your blog that we definitely have a lot in common. (I probably should’ve also included my Vitamix in my list of things that make me smile!!) Am happy to share my list with you!

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