I don’t want to be a writer. It’s not FUN anymore!
Reading my blog profile:
… I explore writing in it’s various forms, and discover if I really have what it takes to call myself a “writer”…
and this in my about page
…The Inspired Notebook is where I blog about things to do with writing. It’s about me exploring the different techniques, habits and processes that I need to learn in order to successfully create an income from my writing…
makes me kind of cringe. I feel limited, burdened… Pressured.
And I have to tell you, I’m not big on feeling pressured. It takes all the joy and spark out of life.
Time is so valuable. Far better spent doing the things we love to do, the things we want to do, the things we’re passionate about.
There’s enough that we “have to do” in life – those jobs like the laundry, the shopping, the cooking, the endless paperwork to complete (I know I’m not the only one with a ‘To Do’ list as long as my arm, and barely enough time to read the thing!) There’s enough that we have to do without us also turning the things we love doing into more “have to”s and “should”s.
I wanted to write. I still want to write.
I want to write about the things I love. About finding inspiration, discovering new ideas, pursuing passions.
There’s a lot I want to write about, a lot I’d love to share with you. Some days I’ll write about writing. Other days I’ll write about books or beaches, cookies and symphonies – all of those things that stir my heart.
I’m pretty sure I’ll never write a novel, although I intend to read many throughout my lifetime.
Freelance writing? I have enough deadlines and external pressures without attempting to write for anyone else right now. Besides, I need time to read all those novels!
So if I never get to call myself a “writer”, that’s OK with me.
I’m so much more than just a writer.
I thought I was exploring a passion for writing. When what I’m really exploring is a passion for life.
I hope you’ll stay with me for the adventure!
Oh but you are a writer – having deadlines and writing assignments does not mean that you are a writer 🙂
I would much prefer to take the time to read something that is saturated with your passion – whether it be about beaches, writing, hanging the washing on the line or that amazing book (that is in your soul – waiting to be written).
I am up for adventure! Let’s go!
Thanks Juanita. I’m excited now that I feel free to write about anything that inspires me – although that may not include hanging the washing on the line! Still you never know. I did print a photo that I found on flickr some time back and it now sits on my laundry door. It was such a beautiful photo of a rustic washing line on a grassy lawn, pink tops blowing in the wind, a watering can… I might have to write a laundry post just to use that photo now!!
Looking forward to the adventure! Thanks so much for being here.
Loved you piece on Steinman and Mozart, was doing some background on Jim, stumbled upon your blog. You write well, keep it up, and never let life get in the way, actually good luck with that advice, it always gets in the way.
Doug, I love that you stumbled on my blog while you were researching Jim. As a new blogger, that’s really cool to hear!
Thanks so much for the encouragement. You’re absolutely right about life always getting in the way. But the fun stuff seems to happen when we push past the obstacles and pursue our dreams anyway. Thanks for stopping by!