
Hi! I’m Brigid Cappello.

The Inspired Notebook is the place where I share with you the inspiration, encouragement and resources you need to create the life you’re dreaming of.

I’ll share with you many of the books, blogs, websites and other resources that have inspired and equipped me in my own journey, as well as those new discoveries I make along the way if I think they’ll make the path a little (or a lot!) easier.

I’ll share with you my thoughts about the importance of pursuing those things that we feel passionate about and that inspire us, and introduce you to some amazing women (and men) who are doing just that.

Six years ago, if someone had told me that one day I’d be writing a blog, creating an online bookshop and beginning to live out my dreams, I’d never have believed them.

Back then, I didn’t have much confidence in my ability to achieve anything.

It’s amazing what we can do when we finally find the right tools, and have a plan to follow!

And so my journey from clutter to creativity  – with a large number of productivity, motivation, personal finance, career and health lessons thrown in –  has been, and continues to be, guided by such inspirational authors and personalities as Flylady, Leo Babauta, Dave Ramsey, Barbara Sher, Julia Morgenstern, and Brian Tracy.

The books I’ve read, the lessons I’ve learned, the ideas I’ve tried (the ones that worked and the ones that didn’t) are those things I want to share with you here at The Inspired Notebook.

Living in country Victoria, Australia, with my three beautiful children, life can get extremely busy at times. But I try to never be too busy to appreciate those moments of joy, wonder and inspiration that can be found every day when I just remember to look for them.

I love green smoothies for breakfast, walking as often as I can, swimming and piano playing occasionally (not together – I’m not that clever!), listening to music, podcasts and audio books on my iPod, and taking time to write “Morning Pages” every morning.

I love cafes, and bookshops, beaches and mountains. I love that I can write in any of those places. And find inspiration in all of them.

I continue to be organizationally challenged, despite having come such a long way on this journey. I sometimes feel that I still have a very long way to go – but I have some amazing friends who remind me at those times just how far I’ve come!

This journey is one that I wouldn’t change for the world as it’s the desire and persistence to overcome the challenges that have lead me to all the exciting things I’m doing now.

I believe that we’re each created with our own unique gifts and talents, and that our dreams and passions direct us as to how we can make our unique contribution for the benefit of others.

The Inspired Notebook is about finding inspiration, inspiring others, and equipping ourselves with all the resources we need to pursue our own dreams and create a life we love.

I hope you’ll share the journey with me!


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